About me

Petit Cato is a webshop that focuses entirely on child-friendly products.

When I started working in childcare years ago, I came into contact with the Waldorf doll. At that time the dolls were known to me as sun child dolls, or anthroposophical dolls.

They are often still called that. The vision behind the dolls, together with the choice of materials used to make them, have made me delve deeper into this.

After a few years of courses, this interest has changed, and my passion for making these dolls (and also the cuddly dolls) was born. Over the years, certain techniques for making the doll have changed, and I have changed with them, but I still prefer the classic look of the doll. My dolls therefore have a neutral appearance, which leaves room for a child for their own imagination.

Besides that I sell my products through the Petit Cato webshop, I also really enjoy being able to show my products at fairs and markets, and to meet the buyers. You are of course very welcome to come by to get acquainted, and to see everything in real life.

If you have tips, wishes or suggestions, you can email them to info@petitcato.com. The opinion of customers is very important to me.

Thank you for visiting Petit Cato and I hope you enjoy shopping.

Regards, Laura




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